Beatriz Lopez dancing in our Barley Sprites film


My name is Beatriz. I am originally from Madrid, Spain. I moved to the UK 5 years ago to take classes and rehearse The Nutcracker with the ENB and to see the opportunities that an amazing place like the UK could bring my artistic career.

In addition to my career as a ballet and Contemporary dancer, I have a degree in clinical psychology and a Masters Degree in Performing Arts. The combination of my two big passions, dance and psychology, have led me to work with autistic children through the dance. One of the most beautiful and rewarding experience of my life!

This year I realised that I needed more time for dancing, auditions, casting etc, so currently I teach ballet, performing arts and pilates, I do performances, adverts and musical videos and all this jobs of course after a lot of auditions and castings. Completely hectic life but very exciting!

The Auditions world can be sometimes taught and very frustrating. Exposing our self and our vulnerability in every casting and audition and being rejected a lot of times as the nature of this parcel, very competitive. After more than fifteen years auditioning I learnt to tolerate a little bit the frustration for the rejection or which auditions or roles can be more suitable for me, but still and after all this years I feel nervous when I do it. Auditoning is a hard job, it is like being tested of an important exam every week!

This is the reason why I would like to thanks a lot to Caroline and Simon (our director), to give me the oportunity to take part in one of the most lovely audition that I did in all my life. They were caring and supporting providing us the space and the time that we needed to learn and perform the routine and our solos. In addition the style of the audition was very elegant as Caroline and his bride dresses are!

I’m really enjoying all the processes so far and I can’t wait to see the final result of this fascinating project. I feel really grateful to have been given the opportunity to be a part of it and to work with such talented and inspirational people. So thank you so much Caroline and Simon also not forgetting my wonderful fellow dancers (Alex, Cherese, Emily and Sara) who have all made me feel very welcome and happy.

The Barley Sprites film explains the concept of “design your own wedding dress, Couture Kit collection, and is intended to inspire brides to be creative and express their taste and personality in their gown.

Thank you, Beatriz for this lovely guest blog x

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